Stress & Resilience Parenting Coaching Session (Online Group Zoom)

Tuesday, February 2, 2021 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM, Internet Access Required for Online Group Zoom Meeting  (CST)
The Nurturing Program helps participants identify areas within their parenting that could be strengthened through taking the AAPI assessment.  We highly recommend that participants register separately to take the AAPI with us so they can consider their individual results and our program's recommendations before joining our Nurturing Coaching Sessions.  When we provide the results of the scored AAPI with participants, they will also include our program's recommendations on which coaching sessions could help a participant achieve growth within an assessed construct.  However, the AAPI is not a pre-requirement to join any of our voluntary, nurturing coaching sessions.  For participants who do take the AAPI with us, we consider everyone's scores to be confidential and individual results are not discussed during the group coaching sessions.  

This Nurturing Coaching Session will be on Stress & Resilience and how to accommodate for and use these guidance tools to help you parent in a more nurturing way.   

By registering, you will receive a Zoom Meeting link via email on the day before or of the session.  This will allow you (as the registered participant) to join this online coaching session during the time it is scheduled.  This link should not be shared with others and does not grant others "not registered" access. 

Remember this is an ONLINE session and reliable access to internet is necessary.
We also reserve the right to cancel sessions for low registration. 
Parent Connection Event Cancellation Line:  (920) 739-4226, ext. 154
WARNING: The status of this event has been changed to CLOSED.
Please contact your event organizer for additional information.
 Registration Was Closed on Tuesday, February 2, 2021 1:00 PM (EST)