Parenting Styles ONLINE

Thursday, October 15, 2020 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM, ONLINE CLASS - Need internet access
Parenting Styles   

*   Thursday, October 15   *   Cost:  $5

Are you a Helicopter, Drill Sergeant or Consultant?  Learn about parenting styles & the effects these styles have on children.  Your parenting style can help or hinder the molding of a happy, confident & capable child.  Take some time to learn about how to help our kids thrive.

ONLINE Class - Need access to internet

We reserve the right to cancel classes for low registration. 
Parent Connection Event Cancellation Line:  (920) 739-4226, ext. 154
WARNING: The status of this event has been changed to CLOSED.
Please contact your event organizer for additional information.
 Registration Was Closed on Thursday, October 15, 2020 1:00 PM (EST)