Aarhus-Stanford Research Partnership: Mental Health Outcomes Workshop

Tuesday, January 23, 2018 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Please join us on Tuesday, January 23rd for our Aarhus-Stanford Research Partnership event at Stanford University, featuring Dr. Henrik Sorensen and the Department of Clinical Epidemiology at Aarhus University, Denmark.  The quality and comprehensiveness of the Danish registry system provides an unparalleled resource for population health studies that enables researchers to reconstruct individual life and health trajectories for an entire population.  For example, the Danish National Patient Registry is linkable at the patient level with data from the national biobank, clinical registries, randomized controlled trials, population surveys, employment registries, and epidemiologic field studies.

11AM-12:30PM - Mental Health Outcomes Workshop
Jaimie Gradus, PhD; Kasper Adelborg, MD, PhD; John Aquavella, PhD
Participants will learn about using mental health and cognitive outcomes in Danish population-based studies
tunities to engage in new research collaborations through the Stanford Center for Population Health Sciences. 

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 Registration Was Closed on Tuesday, January 23, 2018 9:00 AM (EST)