The DoD Patient Safety Program (PSP) requests your feedback on the updated Joint Patient Safety Reporting (JPSR) Reporter’s (DIF1) and Investigation (DIF2) Forms. Your valuable feedback is anonymous, unless you elect to provide your contact information, and will be reviewed monthly as part of an ongoing effort to improve the event reporting process.

Note: For immediate assistance or to report an access issue, please contact the MHS Helpdesk at 1-800-600-9332.
1. Please rate your overall experience using the JPSR application:
1 - Very Poor
2 - Poor
3 - Average
4 - Good
5 - Excellent
How would you rate your satisfaction in each of the following areas:
2. Ease of use
1 - Very Poor
2 - Poor
3 - Average
4 - Good
5 - Excellent
3. Reporter's form length (DIF1)
1 - Very Poor
2 - Poor
3 - Average
4 - Good
5 - Excellent
4. System availability
1 - Very Poor
2 - Poor
3 - Average
4 - Good
5 - Excellent
5. We value your opinion! Please share any recommendations for how we can continue to improve the JPSR application for our users.