Think Smart, Eat Smart Winter 2017

Monday, January 23, 2017 - Monday, March 20, 2017 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM, Blodgett Hospital, Rooom 1A-102
Wednesday, January 25, 2017 - Wednesday, March 22, 2017 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM, Blodgett Hospital, Rooom 1A-102

Have you struggled to lose weight, diet after diet? Do you find yourself with no willpower to follow a meal plan? Do you have constant “food worry” thoughts plaguing your mind or emotional eating?

Join us in learning how to create a healthy relationship with your food, mind and body - where you ultimately become the expert of your own body. The problem is not lack of willpower in failing another diet, but the ingrained thoughts of wrong thinking and learned habits.

It has been found that eating mindfully helps reduce abdominal fat, anxiety, emotional eating, improve body image, and sustained weight maintenance over the long term.

  • Learn how to change your mind to eat right and lose weight once and for all
  • See how emotions, food “addictions”, hormones, and stress affect how you eat
  • Learn how to eat MINDfully – and healthfully
  • Create strategy plans to help in tough eating situations like parties and holidays

Research shows it actually takes 63 days (nine weeks!) to change a habit. Join Kristi Veltkamp, MS, RDN in our nine week series to get started. Class is open to the general public and to staff.

Nine week class series:
Week 1: Introduction: When willpower is not enough – Power of the mind
Week 2: HOW to eat – Mindfulness
Week 3: Danger Zones: Creating game plans for common overeating traps
Week 4: This is your brain; this is your brain on food – Food addiction and emotional eating
Week 5: Is a calorie a calorie? How hormones affect weight loss
Week 6: Change your mind and move more – Exercise
Week 7: Loving yourself – Creating a positive body image
Week 8: Eating well for the long run – What to eat
Week 9: Wrap-up: Continuing the journey

NEW! Spectrum Health Healthy Lifestyles members are eligible for 50 percent reimbursement once per calendar year if you attend 90 percent of the classes.

WARNING: The status of this event has been changed to CLOSED.
Please contact your event organizer for additional information.
 Registration Was Closed on Wednesday, February 1, 2017 6:00 PM (EST)