Self-Advocacy and Skill Building

Friday, December 1, 2023 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
This interactive training will explore the history of “self-advocacy” within the broader disability rights movement and its application for clinical work. Participants will learn the basic principles of self-advocacy and the skills related for a client to become their own “self-advocate.” The training will discuss best practices for coaching clients on self-advocacy skills and methods to increase client opportunities for self-determination within and outside of clinical settings. Participants will reflect on methods to reduce ableism within the mental and behavioral health fields. The workshop will focus on self-advocacy skills for people with developmental disabilities.

The fee for this training is $43, which includes 3 continuing education hours.
WARNING: The status of this event has been changed to CLOSED.
Please contact your event organizer for additional information.
 Registration Was Closed on Wednesday, November 29, 2023 3:00 PM (EST)