Understanding Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence

Monday, June 13, 2022 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Intimate partner violence (also referred to as domestic violence or dating abuse) and sexual violence are serious public health issues whose effects ripple out far beyond the individual who experienced the abuse. People who work in child and family services know this all too well as they are frequently faced with situations in which they must respond to the impact that intimate partner or sexual violence had on a person they are working with. From the child who witnessed abuse being perpetrated against a parent or other family member to the teen who was sexually assaulted to the adult who can’t find safety because their intimate partner is choosing to control them, many of the “helpers” out there in the child and family services sector struggle with how to help when faced with disclosures of abuse. This interactive training is designed to help people better understand the dynamics of abuse, maintain focus on victim safety and offender accountability, and provide practical examples of how to respond to disclosures of abuse.

Registration fee is $43, which includes 3 CE hours.
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 Registration Was Closed on Saturday, June 11, 2022 12:00 PM (EST)