Motivational Interviewing for Supervisors CTLE

Thursday, September 16, 2021 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
In this interactive online course, mental health supervisors will take the foundational skills of motivational interviewing and learn how to apply them to the supervisory relationship. Participants will review key MI skills such as the 4 Processes and OARS, and discuss essential clinical supervisory skills and tasks. Participants will explore opportunities to model and coach MI skills in supervision, and practice applying MI skills and methods to clinical supervision discussions.
Note: Though it is not mandatory, it is strongly suggested that participants receive foundational training in Motivational Interviewing prior to enrolling in this supervisory skills training.

The fee for this training is $40.00 which includes 3 CTLE hours.
WARNING: The status of this event has been changed to CLOSED.
Please contact your event organizer for additional information.
 Registration Was Closed on Wednesday, September 15, 2021 9:00 AM (EST)